Category Archives: Weight loss for men and Women

Why Bodybuilders Hate Turbulence Training

All You Need Is 45 Minutes 3 Times a Week
By Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Bodybuilders are not a fan of Turbulence Training. I don’t know why, but for some reason getting a workout done in less than 45 minutes really ticks them off.

I remember when I first tried out the Turbulence Training 2K3 workout from my TT for Fat Loss manual. It was in the dark and grungy downstairs weight room of System Fitness in the High Park area of Toronto – maybe you’ve even been there.

Anyways, that gym is full of bodybuilders. And hey, I have nothing against them, but they always gave me a hard time when I went in there and finished my supersets and entire workout so fast they didn’t even have time to finish training their biceps.

Perhaps you know how long and slow those bodybuilder isolation workouts are…well no one has time for those anymore.

But the bodybuilders would sit there with their weight belts on (why did they need a weight belt to do chest exercises?), sweatsuits, clown pants, and bloated bellies and Continue reading

What To Look For In A Probiotic

What you should know about probiotics

You might be surprised to learn that how you feel and even look every day is tied to your intestines. To maintain good health, your intestines must absorb nutrients properly and help your body to eliminate waste and toxins.

Your intestines, which lie between the stomach and rectum, are part of the Gl tract or digestive system. In the small and large intestines, food is broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream, providing your cells and organs with the energy they need to function. Your intestines do this with the help of good bacteria (also called microflora).

These “good bacteria” aid digestion, promote vital nutrient production, maintain pH (acid-base) balance, and prevent proliferation of unwelcomed, harmful, pathogenic bacteria. From the time of your birth your body is inhabited by microorganisms.

The microorganisms in our guts perform a host of useful functions, such as the fermentation of unused energy substrates, training the immune system, preventing growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria, regulating the development of the gut, producing vitamins and producing hormones that direct our bodies to store fats.

Changes in diet, stress and aging and other factors can disrupt this delicate balance.

Lack of good bacteria can Continue reading

Man Boobs And Weight Loss Tips

Lifestyles,  Man Boobs And Weight Loss

For many men who are overweight, one of the most emotionally sensitive aspects of being overweight is their man boobs, or ‘moobs’ as some people call them.  This can really be damaging to any man who has had this problem. There can be a positive connection between man boobs and weight loss though. 
Too much fat isn’t the only problem. Very often men lose muscle in their chest and that muscle turns to fat. When that happens their once tight and toned chest can start to look a little more ‘ladylike’ then they would want.
Another cause for man boobs is poor physical fitness and eating habits. When you gain weight, you gain it everywhere. That includes your chest. This can happen to women too but often they don’t mind as much. For men who are sick of having too much flab on their chest one of the best things to do is change your lifestyle. 
Eating less and exercising more can really help a lot. Incorporate weight training into your routine and focus on your chest, back and arms for maximum results.
Remember,though, there is no such thing as Continue reading