What Are You Doing About Hypertension?
Article by Christian Goodman
The medical term for high blood pressure is ‘hypertension’. As a general rule, you’re considered to be ‘hypertensive’ if your blood pressure is consistently above the ideal 120/80. Some people are genetically predisposed for having high blood pressure, but there are other factors that often contribute to it, regardless of your genes.
To help you better understand high blood pressure, it’s a good idea to know what hypertension really is. When your blood pressure is taken, what’s actually being measured is the amount of pressure your blood is exerting against the walls of your blood vessels. Of course the higher the number, the more pressure is being forced against those walls.
Think of a balloon as it is being filled with water. You will see that the balloon stretches as more and more water is being put into it. As you continue to fill the balloon, you can see that the balloon is thinning out, and eventually stretch itself to the breaking point.
Same is true with your blood vessels. They can and will burst if you let your blood pressure get too high and remain there unchecked. Where the vessel bursts will determine the severity of the results. Vessels bursting in the brain will make you suffer a stroke. Vessels in the heart will make you suffer a heart attack or suffer complete Continue reading