Category Archives: perfect body

Perfect Body

Body Sculpting Workouts

A medical history and physical examination is recommended prior to receiving treatment for weight loss and body sculpting. We are a body-conscious society and body sculpting can increase self-esteem and job potential. The best candidates for body sculpting have firm, elastic skin and are in good health. 

Body sculpting movements are generally easy to follow dance steps that will insure you have fun, while getting the results you want. Targeted body sculpting will smooth out any remaining problem areas and add definition.Even the most dedicated body sculpting enthusiast may find the deeply buried abdominal muscles hard to train. Body sculpting classes may consist of boxing, circuits, sports drills, cycling, body sculpting, treadmill work, Pilates, FreeMotion and/or anything else the instructor can think of. Often classes will alternate simple one minute intervals of cardio combined with one minute intervals of body sculpting. 

Supplementing workouts with sculpting bands will also help encourage definition. Lightweight body sculpting bands provide the right amount of resistance to help to shape long, lean muscles. Heavyweight body sculpting bands provide additional resistance as you start to build your strength and can help to accelerate results. The small group weight training and body sculpting sessions are designed to improve strength and tone muscles. You willl shape and strengthen all the muscles of your body while holding positions that improve your flexibility and balance while sculpting great abs. 

Many Class stress body sculpting with light weights to tone and trim the total body without aerobics. Often body sculpting classes are a mix of cardiovascular routines combined with a great body sculpting workout using weights, bands, tubes and Stability Balls. Experience a challenging and dynamic body sculpting workout using dumbbells, exertubes and dynabands as resistance tools. Power sculpting is an intense total body sculpting workout that includes exercises to increase strength and flexibility. Power sculpting is not generally recommended for beginners.

Try to relax your mind while toning, strengthening and sculpting your entire body. A mentally fit mind and physically fit body is ideal.


Isometric Exercise And BRIME

Exercise without moving as muscle? Yes, of course. A tried and tested system – perhaps not to turn yourself into a man or woman of steel, but nevertheless an accepted and documented way of reviving much of your younger days’ tuning.

There are many and varied training methods. When I worked in the London hospitals (so many years ago!) I was actively involved in Exercise Study. A passionate student of BRIME – Brief Repetitive Isometric Exercise, that was the ‘In Thing’!

Isometric means ‘staying the same length when contracted’. The joint which the aimed-at muscle moves – does not move. In the case of the quadriceps, which control the knee, nothing moves. The joint stays straight and firm.

Of particular value for aiding quadriceps recovery, the schedule ran thus:

In the case of ‘re-tuning’ the quadriceps, that big set of four muscles of the thigh, the front of the upper leg, start by lying down on your back. Put a largish weight – say several bags of sugar? – on your instep, where your shoe laces tie up.

You want to find that weight which you can JUST straight-leg lift up three or four inches for exactly ten seconds before you simply HAVE to drop the leg down again. “ – 8 – 9 – 10 little seconds” – collapse! To assess your maximum, start with quite a high weight, so you can reach the maximum poundage quickly. Don’t move up in small increments – you will tire your quadriceps too soon and get a false result.

Lets say (for ease of my mathematics) that you could JUST manage 9 lbs. Fine. You are going to work with two-thirds of that total – 6 lbs.

The isometric routine: Put a 6 lb weight on your instep. Lock your knee straight and – without any bending or sagging – raise your leg some three inches. Hold it tightly there while you count “ten little seconds” and then lower it down and rest relaxed for “ten little seconds”.

Repeat this for seven times. So that you have raised and lowered seven times. Finish. That is one exercise session. For that particular muscle group.

The higher you keep your leg lifted, the easier the exercise is. For maximum effect, only raise it up a few inches. Don’t let the knee joint move!

Studies have shown that seven repetitions are sufficient to achieve the desired result, over time, of developing, of strengthening a muscle, or set of muscles. I have to say though that I myself prefer to do ten repetitions. To play safe, I suppose, but there we are …

Isometric Exercises For Stomach Muscles

When exercising, or thinking about getting involved in an exercise program, there are many words that may be said that are unfamiliar to many people. This can cause confusion and may frustrate a person who is trying to understand and apply different aspects of excersising. For instance, what are isometric exercises for stomach muscles? To make is simple, these exercises are simply flexing, or applying force to the particular group of muscles, they do not involve the use of weights. The reason people enjoy doing this type of exercise is that they can be done anywhere because no special equipment is needed in order to perform them; although often times the use of a wall comes in handy.

Crunches and sit-ups are popular forms of isometric exercises for stomach muscles. Besides being able to perform them anywhere, they are also a convenient form of exercise because they can be fit into practically anyone’s schedule, the reason for this is because isometric exercises do not take much time to complete them. The range of movement with the isometric exercises is very limited and the amount of time to complete one set is such a short amount of time, usually between 6-8 seconds per repetition, it does not take too much time. However, these movements only work isolated parts of the body and therefore more then one exercise is needed to work out different muscles groups within the stomach.

Breathing also seems to be a factor in isometric exercises for stomach muscles. As a person breathes slowly in and out, they are contracting the stomach muscles, which is the point of isometric exercises

While studying isometric exercises, a person will find out that these particular exercises are not good for people who have a high blood pressure since they will raise the blood pressure while the moves are being performed. A person will also be advised that in order to achieve maximum results in any exercise plan, isometric exercises should be combined with strength training exercises for the stomach muscles. 

Besides crunches and sit-ups there are many other forms of isometric exercises for stomach muscles, and they are very easy to find on the internet. There are many sites that will provide step by step instructions on how to perform these exercises and give the advantages of doing them. Again, keep in mind that a well-balanced exercise plan combines several different types of moves that work different muscle groups within the stomach. 

There are obviously many advantages and disadvantages of performing isometric exercises for stomach muscles. Being able to perform them anywhere will no equipment and being able to fit them into a busy schedule are the main advantages, the disadvantages of course being they are very limited in the muscles they work. For some people however, just that extra boost of strength is all they need and isometric exercises alone will work great for them. For those that need more work on their stomach, combining isometric exercises along with weight training exercises for the stomach is the best plan.