Category Archives: Skin Problems and Remedies

Is Natural Tattoo Removal Really Possible and Work?

Methods That Remove or Fade Tattoos Naturally

With so many options available to remove tattoo from Q-switched lasers, tattoo removal creams salabrasion to dermabrasion, people still prefer to remove tattoos at the comfort of home naturally because of two main reasons.

  1. Cost -Effective and Pain -Free removal. You can have control over what you do.
  2. Flexibility

Even though a little time consuming than other methods, it cause no skin damages and hypo or hyper-pigmentation. The natural tattoo removal methods can be applied on any skin type…even for sensitive skins.

Most of the tattoo removal creams available in the market contains harsh bleaching chemicals such as TCA (TriChloro Acetic Acid) or Hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is banned because it is carcinogenic and may cause skin cancer. Even 5% TCA is dangerous, and this is why it Continue reading

Get Rid Of Tattoos

Is Natural Tattoo Removal The Best Option To Remove Tattoos?

What are the Pros and Cons of Natural Tattoo Removal

Removing a tattoo doesn’t always need to be painful experience, there are natural alternatives which cause no skin scarring, infection, hyperpigmentation or bleeding unlike the other tattoo removal methods such as excision, dermabrasion, salabrasion or lasers.

For some reasons (hint: laser removal centers getting richer and richer), laser tattoo removal is always projected as the only best option to remove a tattoo even though it is painful, expensive and cause skin scarring.

Do you think that LASER tattoo removal existed in 1850s? But the habit of tattooing among humans are as old as many centuries and so is the need to remove a tattoo.So how did our ancestors got rid of their tattoo when there’s no laser?

The natural tattoo removal is also as old as tattooing, but they are least known or least explored.

If only natural tattoo removal method is made as popular as Q-switched laser tattoo removal, the doctors, tattoo removal centers, tattoo removal centers, tattoo removal cream manufacturers can’t make as much as money from you.Besides they have a trail of side effects it brings along.

Do you know that many tattoo removal creams are just pure marketing hypes and they contain potentially dangerous chemicals such as TCA (TriChloro Acetic Acid) and Hydroquinone. They cause skin cancer and many damages, not only to skin but also to our internal organs (fumes from TCA irritate lungs). Even 5% TCA is not safe and corrosive…but these tattoo removal creams are just using almost as high as 50% concentrated TCA (most of these tattoo removal cream manufacturers are shady…by not listing these dangerous chemicals on their labels).

Natural Tattoo Removal – Pros and Cons

The ancient world used a more natural approach to anything, which obviously extended their life span and they were much more energetic and healthier than we are today.

Tattooing is way to express yourself and so is your decision to remove it, you don’t have to live with the tattoos you regret.

You can use a combination of 12 natural products to remove your tattoo, they bring no side effects, they are 100% natural, thay cause no skin scarring and they are absolutely cheap besides they work each and every time, no matter how dark they are, how old they are or what pigments are used.

Let’s get back behind how tattoos leaves a mark in first place in order to better understand how natural products assure removing them.

Modern electric tattoo guns create thousands of puncture wounds in the skin to inject tattoo pigment and form the tattoo. The ink particles are effectively trapped by a network of connective tissue in a type of cell called a Fibroblast. This is the connective tissue that produces fibers such as collagen.

This entire process causes damage to the epidermis and the dermis and they become blended together as a result of the mutilated layer that usually separates the two. The body responds by bleeding at the surface of the skin as a result of the severed capillaries.

The immune system responds by swelling to shut down the blood flow. The immune response cells then begin cleaning up by sending the ink through the lymph node nearest the tattoo site.

At first the ink is dispersed in the upper region of the skin, but within 1 to 2 weeks it becomes more concentrated in a single area as new tissue begins to form around the ink and traps it in the dermal fibroblasts. After about 30 days the two layers of skin have healed enough to trap the ink and within 90 days the tattoo ink is completely surrounded by connective tissue that holds the ink in place.

Over time, usually many years, it will begin to subside deeper into the dermis, or second layer of skin making removal even more difficult.

How natural tattoo removal works?

So the key here is to increase the immune cells which increase the chances of ink movement (setting free the trapped ink pigments) thus accelerating the fading of the tattoo.

The natural products are capable to produce this apoptotic action which enables our own body’s immune system to break up the foreign tattoo ink pigments which eventually are flushed out with the help of lymphatic system.

For example, there’s a magic herb that significantly increases the collagen content of cell layer fibronectin, is anti-inflammatory and stimulates wound healing with its ingredients asiaticoside.

Asiatic acid is the constituent responsible for the collagen synthesis stimulation (occurs in dermal layers where the tattoo ink is found) There are so many other natural products and ingredients that have these amazing properties that basically activates our own body’s immune system to do the job without hurting you, without leaving scars, without spending $300 per session.

You can learn the whole list of these natural ingredients and how to remove a tattoo naturally here at Get Rid Tattoo website.

Visit http: Get_Rid_of_Tattoos_Naturally


What is Impetigo?

Impetigo is a common and highly contagious skin infection that causes sores and blisters. It’s not usually serious and often improves within a week of treatment. There are two types of impetigo:

  • non-bullous impetigo that typically affects the skin around the nose and mouth, causing sores to develop that quickly burst to leave a yellow-brown crust
  • bullous impetigo that typically affects the central part of the body between the waist and neck, causing fluid-filled blisters to develop that burst after a few days to leave a yellow crust

Both types of impetigo may leave behind some red marks when the crusts have cleared up, but these will usually improve over the following days or weeks.

Fast Cure For Impetigo

Article by Stephen Sanderson is a nutritionist, medical researcher, and author of the Fast Impetigo Cure e-book
I get asked all the time, “What is the best cure for Impetigo?”
There a variety of them.
While your doctor will most likely prescribe you harmful anti-biotics or a toxic lotion to cure Impetigo, you’d be surprised to know that this isn’t the safest or the most effective route.
The worst thing you can do is to “sit and wait” for it to magically heal on it’s own.  You’re looking at 7-21 days of recovery time if you do this, and it will not be a pleasant time, trust me.
The best and most effective cure for Impetigo is through the use of natural Impetigo remedies and treatments.  
To completely cure Impetigo, eliminate all the symptoms and heal this rash of blisters, it requires three things:
1) To build up the GOOD BACTERIA in your body so that you can naturally and effectively fight off the bad bacteria that is causing the Impetigo infection.
2) Strengthen your immune system, through proper nutrition, diet, supplementation, and rest.
3) To properly heal the blisters and sores in a natural and safe way, so that they scab over and fade away, without leaving any scars or marks.
If you do this and take the necessary actions, you will be Impetigo-free easily within days.  
In fact, by following these proven steps, thousands of children and adults suffering from Impetigo have been able to completely cure their symptoms within 3 days after the blisters first appeared.
How is this cure for Impetigo even possible?
It starts with understanding how Impetigo works.  Impetigo is a bacterial infection.
It enters the body through breaks in the skin (cuts, scrapes, bites), or can be passed along from others suffering from Impetigo.  Once the bacteria is in the body, it begins to spread and reproduce like crazy.  First you may experience a fever, or a few other flu-like symptoms, and then it will eventually result in a rash of itchy blisters or sores on a specific region of the body.
If left untreated, the bacteria can spread and can lead to severe complications or problems.
There are MANY things you can do RIGHT NOW to begin curing Impetigo and be 100% symptom-free in less than 72 hours from now.  The best thing you can do is to start applying many of these principles and natural ways so that your body can get to work and eliminate this infection from the body as soon as possible.
Most people let the Impetigo infection linger around in their bodies far longer than necessary.  The reason is because they don’t understand simple principles that are effective in treating it – and they are all natural methods that are safe and good for your body and skin.
To find out how to cure Impetigo in 3 days or less, click the link: Fast Impetigo Cure.

Stretch Marks

What are Stretchmarks?

Stretch marks are narrow streaks or lines that develop on the surface of the skin.

They are often referred to by doctors as Stria or Striae and Striae Gravidarum during pregnancy.

The areas of the body most often affected by stretch marks are the abdomen (tummy), buttocks, and thighs. They develop when the the skin is stretched suddenly and the middle layer of your skin (the dermis) breaks in places, allowing the deeper layers to show through. The dermis can be stretched:

  • during pregnancy
  • as a result of weight gain
  • due to growth spurts during puberty

Stretch marks are often red or purple to start with and will gradually fade to a silvery-white color. They are usually long and thin. Read more about the characteristics of stretch marks.

Can I get rid of stretch marks?

Most stretch marks are not particularly noticeable and will fade over time. If you have stretch marks that are unsightly or which affect a large area of your body, there are treatments available.

Creams, gels or lotions, laser surgery and cosmetic surgery are all used to treat stretch marks. However, there is little in the way of medical evidence to show that these treatments are effective, so it’s important to be realistic about what they can achieve. Also, laser treatment and cosmetic surgery are not available on the NHS, so treatment can be expensive.

You should see your GP if your stretch marks do not seem to be linked to weight gain or growth because they might be a sign of another condition. In rare cases, stretch marks can be a caused by conditions such as Cushing’s syndrome or Marfan syndrome.

Preventing stretch marks

In some situations, such as during pregnancy, it isn’t possible to prevent stretch marks. However, controlling your weight and looking after your skin can reduce your risk of developing them. Stretch marks are very common and cannot be prevented altogether. However, the following advice may help reduce your risk of developing stretch marks.

Healthy weight

Gaining weight rapidly over a short period of time is one of the most common causes of stretch marks. Diets that cause your weight to quickly go up and down can cause stretch marks to develop because your skin is stretched by the sudden increases and decreases in your size. Therefore,avoiding rapid weight gain and weight loss can help prevent stretch marks from occurring. If you need to lose weight, you should do it slowly by eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting plenty of regular exercise. You should not lose more than 0.5kg (1lb) a week.


Massaging your skin every day with moisturizer or a massage glove can help improve your circulation and encourage new tissue growth. It is also important to eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin E, vitamin C, and the minerals zinc and silicon. These vitamins and minerals will help keep your skin healthy.

During pregnancy

Stretch marks that develop during pregnancy are usually due to hormonal changes that affect your skin. However, gaining pregnancy weight steadily may help minimize the effect of stretch marks. During pregnancy, it is normal for a woman to put on weight over a relatively short period of time. However, it is a myth that you need to ‘eat for two’, even if you are expecting twins or triplets.

You do not need to go on a special diet if you are pregnant, but you should eat a variety of different foods every day to get the right balance of nutrients for you and your baby. Your diet should be rich in wholewheat carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta, as well as fruit and vegetables.

During pregnancy, your weight gain should be slow and gradual. The amount of weight you put on will depend on the weight you were before you became pregnant. It is normal to gain 1-2kg (2.2-4.4lb) over the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. As a rough guide, during pregnancy, women who are:

  • underweight (have a BMI of less than 18.5) should gain 12.7-18.1kg (28-40lb)
  • a normal weight (have a BMI of 18.5-24.9) should gain 11.3-15.9kg (25-35lb)
  • overweight (have a BMI of more than 25) should gain 6.8-11.3kg (15-25lb)
  • Obese (have a BMI of more than 30) should gain 5-9.1kg (11-20lb).

Speak to your GP, midwife, or health visitor if you are worried you are not gaining weight at a healthy rate, or if you are concerned about your stretch marks. To learn more on how to errase your stretchmarks for good CLICK ON THE LINK: ERRASE YOUR STRETCHMARKS    


What is Rosacea?

Symptoms and Treatment Options

Rosacea gives dilated blood vessels and inflammation in the skin. The skin is often also infected by bacteria. Most often the face is attacked and especially the convex surfaces of the face. Sometimes also the eyes or other body parts are affected. Rosacea may begin early, but distinct and serious symptoms usually develop as an individual gets older.


The primary symptoms of rosacea are the following. All the symptoms may not be present always.

  • Permanent redness in the skin. This redness can get better or worse periodically.
  • Flushing or redness that comes and disappears periodically
  • Telangiectasia – This is a distinct widening of small blood vessels in an area.
  • Papules – Small dome-shape spots filled with fluid, often group wise.
  • Skin areas with rosasea symptoms often get infected, and the infection worsens the symptoms.
  • Pustules or pimples Sometimes infection makes the papules develop into real pimples. However, if the pimples appear in a hair follicle stuffed with sebum (comedones), they are a symptom of acne, and not rosacea. Pimples from acne and rosacea may exist together.

Rosacea also implies secondary symptoms that are caused by the primary symptoms, or appear later than the primary ones.

  • Burning or stinging
  • Placks – elevated red areas
  • Scaling, often associated with burning or stinging
  • Dry skin, often occurring before scaling
  • Edema coming in areas that already has been red for some time
  • Symptoms from the eyes like: Redness, itching, burning, corneal damage
  • Thickening of the skin, or lumps in the skin
  • Distended hair follicles
  • Rosacea in other places than the face


The exact causes are not known, but some people seem to inherit the tendency of developing rosacea.

People that blush very often seem to develop rosacea more easily. Therefore rosacea may be caused by blood vessels that dilate too easily upon stimulation, and eventually become permanently dilated.

The following types of stimulation may cause worsening of the rosacea symptoms: heat, hot baths, strenuous exercise, sunlight, wind, very cold temperatures, hot or spicy foods and drinks, alcohol consumption, menopause, emotional stress, prolonged use of topical steroids on the skin.


Traditional medicine does not have any treatment for the basic processes of rosacea, such as redness and the blood vessel extention.

Laser treatment may be used to take away dilated blood vessels or skin irregularities by rosacea. The laser light heats and destroys the dilated blood vessels.

When infection is a part of the disease, and papules or pustules occur, rosacea is treated with antibiotics, usually applied directly on the skin, for example metronidazole.

Oral treatment may also be used by severe rosacea, for example with: Tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin, and doxycycline.

By pimple formation, you can also use rinsing skin cleansers in the same way as by acne. On the market you can find several alternative medicines, mostly topical creams, to treat rosacea.

These often contain natural oils, herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that alleviate inflammation and stimulate skin healing. They may also contain mild antiseptic agents to treat bacterial infection.