Category Archives: Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal Nail Infections

Nail Fungus Infection, Treatment and Prevention

Nail fungus is something most people know very little about. We may see a few different advertisements or commercials about nail fungus treatment and prevention, but we really do not know what nail fungus actually is. Nail fungus is a fungal infection of the nail also known as onychomycosis in the medial world.
Studies show that while nail fungus is a common occurrence, it will typically infect the toenails. Very seldom will nail fungus attack the fingernails. Further studies show that approximately twelve percent of the U.S. population has some sort of nail fungus and it is typical with age. People aged 40 and older are the most susceptible to nail fungus. Like many other forms of affliction, nail fungus is hereditary; it seems to run in families. Some others may be more susceptible to nail fungus as well such as those who have a suppressed immune system due to certain diseases or treatments. People who have been diagnosed with AIDS, have received transplants, are undergoing cancer treatments are also at risk.
Nail fungus is very common and usually appears with the toes; although it can also spread to the finger nails. It can sometimes be difficult to spot although a symptom which is pretty early to appear is a yellow discoloration of the nail.
Speaking from experience, this is not a definite sign that you have nail fungus, which is why it is important to seek medical advice. In my case it turned out to be damage of the nail root (as a result of sporting activities) which highlights this fact.
If you do have a nail fungus infection, the symptoms will progress into the nail breaking apart and the nail becoming thick. The color of the nail may also darken and become more discolored.
With the internet being such a wealthy source of information, you will more than likely find numerous remedies and treatment solutions for nail fungus. However, it is recommended that a doctor is consulted to properly diagnose the infection first and then to recommend the correct treatment required.
But how do you go about preventing nail fungus from occurring in the first place?
– Try and maintain a strong immune system and healthy body. This provides the best opportunity to fight off many infections.
– Keep your nails well maintained; clean and trimmed.
– If you have an injury to the nail make sure that you treat that injury so that nail fungus does not have an opportunity to get in.
– Keep your feet dry and cool, and make sure that they are cleaned regularly. Fungus likes to grow in warm, damp areas so make sure that any footwear and socks are also kept clean. There are powders that can be purchased that can help prevent fungal infection when applied to footwear.
If you think that you may have fungal nail infection, make sure you book an appointment to see your doctor as soon as you can. Don’t put it off until next week or next month. The sooner you start treatment the sooner the infection can be removed. It is also important to maintain the treatment provided to you by a doctor if it is determined that you have fungal nail infection. The infection may require treatment for some time (months), so it is important that you are committed to staying with the treatment routine.
There is nothing to be ashamed about if you have a fungal nail infection. It is a common occurrence that millions of people suffer from. Many people will put off seeking professional help as a consequence of this but it is important not to do so.