Category Archives: Hair loss

Hair Loss

Three Factors That Cause Hair Loss

Most of us have heard that too much hat-wearing or poor circulation to the scalp can cause hair loss. Theses causes all have been proven to be myths, and the real causes of hair loss are stress, health, and hormones.

Stress can cause your hair to literally fall out. Usually the hair loss occurs 3 months after you`ve gone through the stressful period. Then you will need another 3 months after you begin losing hair for your hair growth to begin again ( if the stress has been diffused ).

Your bodies built in healing process considers your emotional problem so important, that it ignores your hair putting it into a resting phase. This resting phase is known as Telogen Effluvium. Stress can also trigger genetic hair loss. If your already losing hair stress will cause you to lose hair even faster. So stress plays a big role in hair loss, keep your blood pressure down!

Health is also a factor in hair loss. Damaged blood vessel linings can inhibit your hair growth. This is because these blood vessel linings normaly produce endothelium-derived relaxing factor (E.D.R.F.) or nitric oxide (N.O.). Studies also show that there is a strong relationship between people with heart disease experienceing hair loss. Also, diabetics have a higher risk of experiencing hair loss.

Lastly, male hormones called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is known to be the most common reason for male pattern hair loss. DHT is produced from testosterone which is produced by the enzyme 5-apha reductase. DHT has a very high affinity being up to ten times more potent than testosterone. Your DHT hormones can be balanced which medication, these medications will resurrect your hair follicles bringing them out of their resting phase and your hair will begin to grow again.

An inbalance of DHT triggers and autoimmune response in pattern loss, which initiates an attack on your hair follices. Gradually your hair follices will become inflammed putting your hair in a resting phase which causes hair to only fall out not grow.

Half of the men and women in just the U.S. suffer from hair loss. The good news is hair loss is no longer something you have to live with. There are many treatments out there, some will correct the inbalance of DHT in your body to allow you to grow your own hair again, some simply need patience or counseling, and of course you can turn to expensive hair transplant surgery. But why get to this point, just know the three factors that cause hair loss and your chances of having a full head of hair, go way up!

Overcompensating For Hair Loss is Increasing Hair Loss

Many hair loss sufferers are more concerned with how the problem affects their existence than why the problem occurred. It is very understandable. After all, yourself image impacts most aspects of your life socially and professionally and we live in an image-driven culture.

We have a natural tendency to become defensive and overreact to anything which threatens our appearance. Hair loss is an obvious and severe threat to how we perceive ourselves. It causes such insecurity some people may feel they have no choice but to overcompensate for the problem. Unfortunately, they are falling into a trap and making the problem worse.

In 1997, a scientist followed the lives of over 4300 male hair loss sufferers. The purpose of the study was to examine aspects of their lifestyle which may be causing or accelerating the hair loss. The results were very interesting.

Compared to men with a full head of hair, these men were 32% more likely to drink over 5 alcoholic drinks each day. They were 151% more likely to smoke cigarettes than men with healthy hair. In general, these men were 72% more likely to indulge in dangerous habits like driving aggressively and taking physical risks.

Even more interesting were the indicators of health in these men. They were 25% more likely to suffer a major injury. Even worse, they were 76% more likely to have a heart attack.

Consider for a moment the factors which cause hair loss. Hair loss is a direct result of a hormone imbalance creating too much testosterone and too much of the testosterone derivative, DHT. Anything which increases testosterone will increase hair loss.

Hormone imbalances occur naturally, but how we care for our body can turn a minor imbalance into a major problem. Smoking and drinking prevents the natural production of enzymes which balance and counteract testosterone.  Even worse, risky and aggressive behavior forces the brain to signal the creation of more testosterone.

These men were suffering from too much testosterone, yet lived lifestyles which promoted more testosterone. Some men admitted they used aggressive behavior to feel more masculine and attractive. Other men acknowledged it as a self-punishment because of their disappointing looks. In every case, a man’s overcompensation for hair loss created an environment for greater hair loss.

Instead of overcompensating for your problem, why not try to solve it? Why not find a way to reduce testosterone and create a hormonal balance within your body? If that sounds like a better solution than trying to make you feel better mentally, it is time to pick up a copy of The Hair Loss Black Book.

The Hair Loss Black Book is a detailed program that shows you how to prevent hair loss by blocking the source of the problem, DHT. It teaches you a health and fitness program tailored to your body. You will learn how to achieve your ideal body form, becoming a picture of health that is DHT free. At the end of the program, you will have learned how to stop hair loss and re-grow hair. More importantly, once you achieve your ideal form and have a thick head of hair, your self image will never be a problem again.