Category Archives: Alcohol Abuse

How to Quit Drinking

How to Quit Drinking With Alcohol Free Forever™

If you’re like most people who have a problem with addiction to alcohol, you know you need to quit drinking. You have probably tried several different ways of giving up this awful habit. You may have tried counseling or AA meetings, or different support groups that are alternatives to AA.

So far nothing has worked, or hasn’t worked long-term.

But it’s not hopeless. I am living proof that it is possible to quit drinking from the comfort of your own home. And I want to show you how to do it too.

Alcohol Free Forever™ is a simple program that will teach you important information that you need to know in order to succeed at giving up alcohol once and for all, without even leaving home.

What You Will Learn from Alcohol Free Forever™

The most important thing you will learn from Alcohol Free Forever™ is that it is possible to give up drinking and it doesn’t have to be Continue reading

How to Deal with Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Dealing With Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have been drinking heavily for weeks, months or years and you try to quit drinking on your own there is a good chance you will experience some withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be pretty uncomfortable and if you’re like a lot of people, the bad feelings can cause you to quickly go back to drinking to ease the discomfort.

Symptoms typically start less than twelve hours after your last drink, but for some people can start as long as 48 hours later. You might shake and sweat or feel extremely anxious. You may experience insomnia, a headache or nausea. For some people, withdrawal symptoms intensify to a point where you can’t take it anymore.

Before you know it you are reaching for another drink to get rid of these miserable symptoms.

Natural Remedies to Relieve Mild Withdrawal Symptoms

Did you know that there are things you can do at home that may relieve Continue reading

How to Stop Drinking

Your First Steps To Stop Drinking

When you want to stop drinking, it may feel like you’re at the bottom of an enormous mountain that you can’t possibly climb. When people tell you that you only have to stop for a day, even that may sound like an impossibility.

Giving up drinking isn’t as hard as you may think. You just have to want to quit. And you have to know how.

What you DON’T have to do is spend a lot of money on expensive counselors or a lot of time in church basements. You can learn to get sober from the privacy of your own home.

Getting Started

Many people who drink excessively feel puzzled as to why they keep binge drinking or feeling compelled to drink almost daily. One of the first steps to giving up drinking is to understand why you drink the way you do. It’s not complicated, really.

A lot of the problem is centered in the way you Continue reading

Long Term Effects of Alcohol

What Alcohol Really Does to You

Millions of people struggle with drinking problems. If you are one of them, deep down you know that your drinking will probably eventually have long term effects on your health.

You may think of your drinking problem as alcoholism, or you may prefer to call it something else, such as alcohol use, alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence. What you call it isn’t as important as what your drinking is doing to you.

The devastating impact alcohol is having on your health may not be noticeable right away. But when you drink over a long period of time, alcohol may be in the process of damaging almost every organ in your body.

Damage to Your Health with Alcohol

Alcohol can cause a wide variety of health problems. Heavy drinking increases your risk of blood clots, which can lead to stroke or heart attack. The heart can suffer considerable damage after years of Continue reading

Signs of Alcoholism

Do You Have an Alcohol Abuse Problem?

Are you having a problem with your drinking? Do your friends and family frequently complain that you drink too much? Have you experienced blackouts, not remembering what you have done during drinking episodes? Or have you experienced problems during your drinking that probably wouldn’t have happened if you had been sober?

There are some signs that indicate that you may have a problem with alcohol. They include:

  • You frequently drink more than you meant to
  • You drink on a daily basis to cope with stress or strong emotions
  • You try to hide how much you’re drinking
  • You need to drink to cope with day to day stress
  • You are neglecting responsibilities at home, work or school
  • You give up activities you used to enjoy because of alcohol
  • You keep drinking even if you start having legal problems or relationship problems

These are some of the signs that mean you need Continue reading